Quick Quote (Y or N)
A quick quote allows you to get a quote without having to input any address or contact info
Homeowner Info
Step 1: How can we reach the homeowner?
Property Information
Step 2: Give us Some Information About Your Property
Price: $0.00
House Lighting Coverage Area
Step 3: Tell us about the lighting coverage you want for your house
Price: $0.00
Price: $0.00
Price: $0.00
Type of Lights
Step 4: Select the kind of lights you want on your house
Price: $0.00
Price: $0.00
Price: $0.00
Pathways Lighting Coverage Area
Step 5: Tell us about the lighting coverage you want for your Pathways
Lighting Information For Pathway Number 1
Tell our installers roughly how long your first pathway is
Give us some information about the starting point of this pathway for our installers
Give us some information about the end point of this pathway for our installers
Lighting Information For Pathway Number 2
Tell our installers roughly how long your second pathway is
Give us some information about the starting point of this pathway for our installers
Give us some information about the end point of this pathway for our installers
Lighting Information For Pathway Number 3
Tell our installers roughly how long your third pathway is
Give us some information about the starting point of this pathway for our installers
Give us some information about the end point of this pathway for our installers
Price: $0.00
Fence Lighting Coverage Area
Step 6: Tell us about the lighting coverage you want for your property's fencing
Give us some information about the starting point of your fence for our installers
Give us some information about the end point of your fence for our installers
Price: $0.00
Tree Lighting Coverage Area
Step 7: Tell us about the lighting coverage you want for your property's trees
Split 1 start
Price: $0.00
Split 1 End
Split 2 Start
Split 2 End
Split 3 Start
Split 3 End
Split 4 Start
Split 4 End
Split 5 Start
Split 5 End
Price: $0.00
Bushes Lighting Coverage Area
Step 8: Tell us about the lighting coverage you want for your property's bushes
Section Break
Split 1 Start
Price: $0.00
Split 1 End
Split 2 Start
Price: $0.00
Split 2 End
Split 3 Start
Price: $0.00
Split 3 End
Split 4 Start
Price: $0.00
Split 4 End
Split 5 Start
Split 5 End
Garlands Coverage Area
Step 9: Tell us about the Garland coverage you want for your property
Click or Hold Down the CTRL Key (CMD on Mac) to Select Multiple Locations
Price: $0.00
Wreath Coverage Areas
Step 10: Tell us about the Wreath coverage you want on your property
Addtl Customer Supplied Items
Here you can tell us about any of your own decorations that you would like us to hang for you. Simply select the location, and whether the item is a lit item or an unlit (No cords) item.
Additional Details
Please provide us with any additional info you think will help our installers